

Tuesday 31 May 2016


Fun Drinking Games for Two

Everyone loves a good drinking game. Nothing breaks the ice with a new group of people or gets a party started like a round of beer pong - or if you take your drinking games seriously - True American. But drinking games don't just have to be for big groups. In fact, they can be just as fun to play with a good friend, or someone you'd like to get to know better. These games can turn a couple beers with a pal into an evening for the ages.

1) Higher/Lower

Materials: a deck of cards (or the card deck app on a phone)
This game is about as simple as it gets. The "dealer" turns over a card from the top of the deck. The second player then guesses whether the next card will be higher or lower than the turned-over card. If the second player is right, the dealer drinks. If the second player is wrong then he or she drinks.

2) Two Truths and a Lie

Another excellent icebreaker that gets an extra jolt from the addition of alcohol. Here's how it works. The first player makes three statements about themselves. Two of the statements have to be true, while one has to be a lie. The second player then has to guess which is the lie. If the second player guesses correctly, the first player must drink and if incorrectly, the second player has to drink. Then switch. This is a great game either for two people who know each other well or for two people who want to get to know each other better.

3) Power Hour

This one you might feel in the morning. In a power hour, the goal is to drink 60 shots of beer in 60 minutes. That's one shot of beer per minute. Whoever makes it through the entire hour wins — or loses, depending on how bad the morning hangover is. Be careful with this one: it can get you pretty wasted.

4) "Never Have I Ever . . . "

A fun icebreaker that is even better with the addition of alcohol. Here's how it works: the first player starts by saying something that they have never done, for instance, "Never have I ever gone skydiving." (It's traditional to begin your confession with "Never have I ever . . ." but not required.) If the other person HAS gone skydiving then that player has to drink. Then you switch roles. This is a good drinking game for a large party too.

5) Flip Cup

Though most often played in larger groups, this game works just as well with two. Starting at the same time, both players chug a beer from a plastic cup as fast as they can. When finished, place the cup upside down on the edge of the table with the rim hanging out a bit over the edge. Then, try to "flick" the overhanging rim to get the cup to flip right-side up before the other person.

6) Battle Shots

You can purchase an official version of this game, which is super fun to play. But if you don't want to shell out for it, or don't happen to own a copy of the Parker Bros. classic game Battleship, you can you can make up your own game board pretty easily. Trust me, the set-up time is totally worth it. Get ready for a trip down nostalgia lane:
  • paper
  • pencil
  • 6 shots
Draw a 7x7 grid on a piece of paper, labeling the columns alphabetically and the rows numerically. That way each box has a letter-number designation, e.g. the top left is box A1.
Place your "boats" by marking Xs along the grid: three "X"s for the battleship, two "X"s for the destroyer, and one "X" for the submarine. Each "X" represents one shot.
Take turns guessing where your opponents "battle shots" are. Every time someone "hits" an X, take one shot. You win by sinking all of your opponent's "battle shots." Loser must then drink all the remaining shots.

7) Truth or Dare or Drink

There are a couple ways to play this classic getting-to-know-you game.
Option 1: Just do the “truth” part. Take turns asking personal questions. If the other person doesn't want to answer, they must drink. Awesome for people who know each other well and/or have no shame. Even better if you’re playing with someone you’re interested in.
Option 2: Just do the “dare” part. Do the dare or take the drink. This one gets a lot more fun as the game goes on, since people are more likely to do silly dares when they're drunk!

8) Quarters

Materials: Quarters, Cups.
One player tries to bounce a quarter off the table into a cup or shot glass. If the shooter makes it, the other player must drink and the shooter gets another turn. If the shooter misses, it’s the other players turn to shoot. This is probably the best drinking game for 2 people because it's a skill game, and you definitely want to practice one-on-one before playing it at a party.

9) "I'm Going on a Picnic . . ."

This is a memory game. Go through the alphabet naming things you'd bring on a picnic, adding 1 more item per turn.
Person A: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing Apples.
Person B: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing Apples and Bananas.
Person A: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing Apples, Bananas, and Carrots.
I think you catch the drift. Drink every time someone makes a mistake. This game gets more hilarious both the drunker and the farther down the alphabet you get. Very likely you’ll get sidetracked by arguments about why anyone would need to bring a xylophone to a picnic.

10) Caps

This one can be played with either two or four people.
The basic rules go like this: each player sits facing the other at opposite ends of a room. Next to each player is a cup full of beer. Each player takes turns trying to throw a bottle cap into the other player’s cup. If one makes it, then the player that was scored on has to chug the cup of beer. What else are you going to do with those old bottle caps?

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