

Saturday 30 April 2016


Life as a female soldier: what to expectBefore I joined the United States Army, I pored through the internet looking for any kind of information that could help me. I wanted so badly to know what it was like to be in the Army. I knew what it was like for the soldiers I'd already met, but none of them were females like me. Let's face it: There is a difference between males and females in the military, and I wanted to know that difference. Unfortunately I never found any helpful information, so I up and joined the U.S. Army and experienced it myself. Hopefully this piece will be of help to other women considering joining the Army.

Boot Camp

The boot camp experience is also known as:
  • Basic Combat Training, or BCT (the Army loves its acronyms)
  • Basic Training
  • Boot
  • Basic

What to Do/Know Before Joining the Army:

1. Consider Cutting Your Hair
Decide if your hair is going to work for you while you're at Boot Camp.
My hair was long, and I wasn't about to fix my hair up in a bun every day. With the intense training, I would have to fix my hair all of the time, especially because drill sergeants are sticklers about soldier representation.
A soldier also told me that some of the female soldiers he knew got moldy hair. When I started training, I could see how that was possible. The females who didn't cut their hair always had to have it up in a bun. As soon as they were done with showers, they'd basically have to throw their hair back into a bun. Sometimes there wasn't much time to take showers, so then the drill sergeants were thoughtful enough to take us training in the rain. After training in the mud, we would all go camping—again, in the rain. Under those conditions, it'd be easy for a bit of mold to cultivate in a knot of hair.
One of my first preparations for BCT was chopping off all of my hair!
I was amazed by how many people were mad at me for shearing off my "crowning glory."
In the end, it was a very good thing that I cut my hair, though it made me sad to lose whatever cuteness my long hair gave me.
2. Exercise Before You Join
This is very important! Training is very tough if you do not have some level of physical fitness when you arrive. You don't need to be Superwoman or anything, but give your muscles a bit of training so the shock factor won't be so high.
Basic Training is, on all levels, a rather high-stress affair, so be ready for it. There are physical ability standards that you must pass in order to graduate Basic Training. The Army's Physical Training Test is different than those of the other military branches. The test examines the soldier's ability to do push-ups, sit-ups, and a two-mile run, in that order. The push-ups and sit-ups are each under a time limit of two minutes. The pass/fail standards are based on age and gender.
You can see what the pass/fail standards are for your age and gender underAPFT standards on the US Army Basic site. For example, how many pushups must I do in order to pass? Well, I'm a female between 22 and 26 years of age. Therefore, I must do 17 pushups in order to get a minimum passing score of 60%. If that seems too easy, then go for a score of 100% by doing 46 pushups or more. Still too easy? Max out the guys' standards. Go for 75 pushups.
3. Ask Questions and Gain Answers
Find someone in the Army branch you are interested in who has no monetary interest in what you decide. I don't care what the recruiters say, they do twist the truth when it benefits them because they get benefits based on their monthly number of recruits (in other words, they have a quota). I wasn't lucky and got a bad recruiter. However, there are good ones. So before you join, find an unbiased opinion and make sure you understand what it will be like.
4. Break Your Bad Habits
Break your bad habits now before you ship out to Basic Training. It will make your time there much less terrible. Smoking, drinking alcohol, snacking, taking naps, etc, are all habits that plague trainees during training. If you break your habits, Basic Combat Training will be that much easier.
5. Don't Stress Over the Drill Sergeants
They yell, dish out punishments, and play mind-games, but they won't physically harm you. Everything is done according to what you can withstand, physically and mentally. If you can endure everything they throw at you and come out on top, then you are worthy to be an American soldier.
A Few More Things to Do Before Going to Basic Training
How should you pay your bills? Is it worth it to stop your phone plan? The video above offers a few more tips for things you may not have thought about.
Living conditions may be tough compared to your usual standard of living. So enjoy nice living conditions while you can, because if you join the military, sometimes you won't get the best accommodations. One thing most soldiers learn is to never take anything for granted. I, personally have learned to always live life to the fullest. It's better that way.

What Military Life Is Like for a Woman

Physical Training
I knew military life was going to be difficult. Before joining, I'd only talked to males about the Army, and they all pretty much said the same stuff:
  • "There's a lot of PT (physical training)."
  • "You're gonna get very tired."
  • (My favorite): "It's not that bad."
No offense, guys, but I'd say the ego got in the way of the truth. But to be honest, Basic Training was just bad, not overly terrible. Even though the guys' comments showed a knack for understatement, I really did expect it to be worse. There were times when I thought I was going to die, but there were also times when I thought everything was too easy.
And, in case you're wondering, Basic Training is harder physically for a female than it is for a male.
Push-ups are easier for males, and the Army is all about its push-ups. Ruck marches are also easier for males.
But, in sit-ups we are equals! (Sadly the Army doesn't care as much about sit-ups as it does its push-ups.) I can honestly say that I could probably beat most guys in sit-ups. I can even say I know one woman who can do 112 sit-ups in two minutes. Just think: she's almost pumping out one sit-up per second. Amazing, isn't it?
Unexpected Things That Made Basic Training Terrible
Two unexpected things make Basic Training terrible for females: other females and ruck marches.
Just think about it: I woke up at 5 a.m. after going to bed at 11 p.m., and I had a couple of females arguing next to my bunk until 11:30, and they wouldn't listen when I asked them to stop. Then I had to wake up for two hours of chores from midnight until 2 a.m., and my relief wouldn't wake up until 2:30, so my head didn't hit the pillow until 2:40. Overall, I got little more than two and a half hours of sleep. Just imagine doing that after a very full day of sweat, grime, and yelling. Once you have a room full of women in this state, they are ready to rip each other and anyone else to pieces, griping about this and that because they're miserable. Ah! I'm frustrated just remembering that. (Though this isn't as bad compared to other female-related experiences I've had. Note: If you want more stories, just give me a holler and I'll regale you with some good ones.)
The second most terrible thing during Basic for a female was the ruck marches. These marches were bad because most females don't make for good pack mules. I definitely don't. I weigh 125 lbs., and the Drill Sergeants gave us rucks and gear that weighed up to 60 lbs. In general, for a male, that's a little hefty but nothing to worry about. However, for a female my size, that could very well be almost half her weight. I hated ruck marches. I would rather run miles than go on a march. While a heavy backpack would not be bad for a stroll through the park with tennis shoes, "strolling" for endless distances with combat boots, a hot uniform, and a heavy ruck with metal frame, with a weapon (M-16 Rifle) in hand is an entirely different story.
There is a third aspect of Basic Training that was bad, but I was ready for this one: the crude comments. While both men and women made unsavory comments, the guys were worse. This is something that is difficult to get away from in the military, especially during long training sessions and deployments. It's something to get used to, because it's pretty much a tradition.
Once you get to your units, males will become more careful of what they say around females because they are afraid that they'll get a sexual harassment report. Unfortunately, innocent males get harassment charges all the time, and the blame goes to the females. So, understand this: When you enter a room full of males, and they all stop their hooting and laughing as soon as you walk in, it is because you're female.
However, despite the threat of harassment reports, I've still had males try to be the nastiest they could be just to get a rise out of me. The takeaway here is that a female needs to be tough-skinned to be in the Army. A lot of these males are good people and great soldiers, but everyone knows that "boys will be boys," especially amongst each other. Now throw a female in their midst and all of a sudden the males need to figure out what kind of woman she is: overly sensitive or tough-skinned. So be ready to get judged, because it will happen with every person you meet in the military.
Everyone is judged in the military. It's really no big deal. The point is that females are judged on many points. Is she a good soldier? Do I have to pick up her slack? Can she keep up? Is she going to tattle, like the last one?
There will always be a female who was there before you that completely screwed up. Once you show up on the scene, everyone will look at you and wonder if you're the same as the last one: the screw up. As a result, they're careful, just as you should be careful. Never forget your professional attitude as a soldier, let alone as a female soldier representative.

The Female Polar Opposites

Some people make great soldiers, and some people slip through the cracks. People who join the military for a reason other than working hard never should have entered in the first place.
There are also women who make great soldiers and women who never should have joined the military. However, if you're a woman who doesn't work hard, then people will assume it's because you're a woman, and you'll make a bad name for all female soldiers.
Female soldiers who prefer not to work are easy to point out, and there's a word for them that's almost as offensive as the word "slut."
A quick side note: A harsh reality for female soldiers is that you are considered a slut until proven otherwise. It is terrible and unfair for the rest of us, but that's just the stark reality. The sad part is, it's all so normal that no one thinks anything of it. But this is the Army and you just deal with it and drive on. There's nothing to do but prove everyone wrong, and rise to the top.
Now, women tend to cluster around two polar opposite approaches to being a soldier. We've already covered the ones who don't pull their weight and enforce stereotypes about women. Then there are the women who work hard to prove stereotypes wrong.
The great soldiers are the females who don't make excuses about their gender. They don't complain about their menstrual cycle openly, they don't whine, snivel, or gripe about anything or anyone, and they work on their shortcomings. For example, a male can do things that females can't. Men are better pack mules and their bodies are better fitted for endurance. While females aren't naturally good at lugging things around for great distances, they work at it so that it doesn't hamper future operations they may be involved in.
On the other hand, she doesn't call attention to herself and her ability to do everything. If there is a job or detail that needs to be done, she just gets it done. No problem. She's a squared-away soldier just like the rest of 'em.

More Reading

  1. Love My Rifle More Than You: Young and Female in the U.S. Army by Kayla Williams—Williams tells the tail of her time in Iraq. She talks all about the daily ins and outs, from the bad food to the fear of war to the sexual dynamics.
  2. The Status of Gender Integration in the Military: Analysis of SelectedOccupations by Margaret C. Harrell, et al—The Rand Corporation conducted research into how women have been integrated into 10 different military occupations. This is pretty technical reading, but it has interesting insights—namely, what occupation you go into within the military matters.
  3. The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq by Helen Benedict—This book tells the story of sexual assault in the military. Army Reserve Colonel Ann Wright, who has served in the army for 29 years, says, "I urge everyone-especially women considering joining the U.S. military-to read this important book. Through unforgettable stories, The Lonely Soldierexplains the shocking frequency of sexual assault and what can be done."
  4. Band of Sisters: American Women at War in Iraq by Kirsten Holmstedt—Holmstedt shares the stories of women in the front lines and their accomplishments. If you aren't sure if you can perform under the pressure and conditions of war, this read will prove that it has been done by many before you.
  5. U.S. Army Survival Handbook, Revised by Matt Larsen—This book is written by Sergeant First Class Matt Larsen. He has been a trainer in survival and fighting techniques for the Army Rangers, and many of his insights are contained in these chapters. This handbook is standard issue for U.S. Special Operation Forces and pilots and covers how to survive in any climate.


Get healthy, beautiful skin with apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is a great treatment for warts, pimples, acne and other skin problems. It’s also a great everyday product to maintain and improve the overall health of your skin: it can make your skin look younger and feel smoother.
Apple cider vinegar, or ACV, is a natural remedy, and does not contain harsh chemicals. It is a tried and preferred method of skincare used over many centuries.
But first, why should we worry about the health of our skin? For one, because it performs a number of vital functions, including:
  • Controlling body temperature.
  • Protecting us from harmful elements of the environment.
  • Receiving and conveying information from external stimuli.
So, skin health should be a part of any effort to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you want to improve the health of your skin, read on to learn how apple cider vinegar can help.

Did You Know?

The ancient Greek physician and father of medicine, Hippocrates used apple cider vinegar as an elixir.

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Acne and Pimples

Apple cider vinegar is a remarkably effective treatment for acne and pimples. It’s a natural therapy with no side effects.
Apple cider vinegar offers skin protection in many ways.
  • It unclogs pores, preventing breakouts and allowing the skin to breathe properly.
  • It helps in creating a protective layer on our skin, and helps in preventing our skin from becoming too dry.
To understand how cider vinegar works to give us healthy skin, we must first understand what causes our skin to become dry and develop acne and pimples

What Causes Breakouts?

Our skin has a protective outer-layer, known as the protective acid mantle. This mantle makes our skin slightly acidic, giving it a pH factor of between 4.5 and 6. (pH factor is an indicator of acidity level. Anything between 0 and 6 is acidic.) This acid mantle protects our skin from pollution, free radicals, and other harmful particles in the air.
When we wash our face, either with water or with face cleaners, we inadvertently remove this protective acid mantle.
Theoretically, our skin is designed to replenish the missing protective acid mantle but doing so may take time. In the meantime, our skin remains exposed to harmful radicals that can cause damage, rashes, acne, or pimples.

Did You Know?

On his voyage to the New World, Christopher Columbus brought apple cider vinegar with him to treat scurvy.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Treat Acne?

There are three main ways that apple cider vinegar helps your skin stay healthy:
  • Beta Carotene. ACV has high levels of beta-carotene, which counteracts damage caused by free radicals, giving us healthy skin and a youthful complexion.
  • Anti-bacterial properties. Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic and antibacterial properties which help protect our skin from pollution and harmful bacteria.
  • pH balance. The most important benefit of apple cider vinegar for skincare is its ability to restore the balance of our pH factor. Apple cider vinegar has a pH factor of about 4.5 to 5.5, which is close to the ideal pH factor for skin too.

Precautions For Using Apple Cider Vinegar on Skin

Apple cider vinegar toner is very good for skin and is also very effective in treating skin problems like acne, pimples and other skin-related ailments. However, read these tips before using apple cider vinegar for skincare.
  • Use it at night. Some people may find the smell too strong. In fact, one could say that it smells like sweaty socks that have been left under the bed for two weeks. Just like you wouldn't eat raw onion or garlic before a date, you wouldn't wear apple cider vinegar on your face before stepping out. If you can't stand the smell, simply use it at night.
  • Watch out for skin irritation. While apple cider vinegar typically has no side effects, it may cause skin irritation in some cases. If you have extra-sensitive skin, apple cider vinegar may not be suitable for you. However, before giving up completely, try add more water to the mixture to dilute it. Alternatively, reduce the frequency with which you use the ACV wash. You may also find that the irritation subsides after a while.
  • Watch out for “purging.” In very rare situations, some people may experience purging. Purging happens when ACV opens up blockages, causing your skin to push out impurities. As a result, existing pimples may get more inflamed before getting better. If purging happens you may want to stop using apple cider vinegar on your skin.
  • Try it out first. Always use it on a small part of skin, and see how it reacts. Use generously diluted ACV first and get feedback.
  • Use sunscreen. Apple cider vinegar can increase your skin’s sensitivity to ultra-violet rays. If you know you will be going out in the sun after applying apple cider vinegar, please use a good sunscreen lotion, so as to avoid any harmful effect of UV rays. In fact, this is another reason why you should use the face wash at night rather than during the day.

How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

It's easy to make ACV toner at home.

Ingredients for ACV Toner

  • 250 ml filtered water, tap water is also fine
  • 250 ml apple cider vinegar, organic, unfiltered, and unpasteurized
  • 1 plastic bottle, to store the ACV toner


  1. Mix one part water to one part apple cider vinegar.
  2. Before using, shake well so that the "mother" of vinegar – the cloudy sediment at the bottom of the bottle – gets mixed in.

Apple Cider Vinegar Skincare Tips

Using apple cider vinegar toner as a face wash is very easy: Take a cotton ball/pad, put some toner on it and gently dab the toner on your skin. Be sure to stay away from your eyes.
  • Start Slow. Begin by using the wash just once a day and preferably at night so that you don't have to worry about the smell. Once you are sure that your skin won’t respond adversely, you can increase the frequency to twice a day.
  • Start small. When using the toner for the first time, try it first on a small patch of skin to see if it causes any irritation.
  • Wash it off. When applying the toner for the first time, you may want to wash it off after 5 minutes to minimize your exposure to any irritants. Once you know that you have a tolerant skin, you can leave it on.
  • Those hard-to-reach-places. For difficult-to-reach areas like your back, try using a spray bottle instead of the cotton balls.
  • Play with the mixture. Start by using a diluted mixture of one part water to one part ACV. If your skin becomes irritated, feel free to add more water. If your skin responds well to the toner, you can even reduce the quantity of water. Some people mix 2 part ACV with one part water. See what works. I highly recommend that you experiment with your ACV toner to get a feel for what works with your skin type.
  • Dont leave out the water. Never apply undiluted apple cider vinegar to your skin. It is highly acidic and can damage your skin at too high a concentration.
  • Watch the eyes. Keep apple cider vinegar away from eyes and the area around eyes. It may cause a very painful burning sensation if you do get it in your eyes. If that happens, you should rinse your eyes with water or eye drops.
  • Mix and match! If you like, you can even add other useful ingredients to your ACV toner, like green tea, aloe vera gel, or witch hazel.

What Kind Should I Buy?

Apple cider vinegar needs to be organic, unpasteurized and unfiltered.
Only unpasteurized and unfiltered ACV contains the "mother" of vinegar: the muddy, grainy substance that sits at the bottom of the bottle. This substance contains the beneficial enzymes and bacteria and is where all the skincare benefits of apple cider vinegar lie.There are many brands to choose from, so you should find one that's easily available in your area.
The bottom line is that it should be made from organic apples and should contain the mother of vinegar.

My Experience With Apple Cider Vinegar

I am a big fan of using apple cider vinegar for weight loss, for healthy hair and for glowing skin. I use it before going to bed, after removing my makeup and washing my face.
I really like it because afterwards, I feel fresh and clean, though the smell puts off my partner if I don't wash it off with water after a few minutes. I have also found apple cider vinegar effective in treating acne, though it takes a long time to remove existing acne.
It is not an overnight remedy and I use it mostly to prevent future breakouts rather than to treat existing ones.

Thursday 28 April 2016


The designer dog

10 week old LabradoodlePebble is my first dog - she's a multi generation Australian Labradoodle. They were specifically bred by Wally Cochran in 1988 to work as guide dogs for people with allergies to dog fur and dander. Not having adopted a dog before, I didn't really know much about them. Pet ownership in New Zealand is quite high - with over 58% of Kiwi's apparently owning a dog or cat. Wanting to live the dream as a new migrant, and with some sweet persuasion from my darling wife, I conceeded to joining the ranks. "It mustn't smell and it mustn't shed loads of hair" were my only demands. So the search began and we settled on the designer dog.

Health guarantees

Hip tests, baer tests, genetic testing, puppy health checks, microchipping, health guarantee's, 6 weeks free insurance, free food for 5 days. Sounds like an advert for a car; just fuel up and drive away! OK, sold for $1695 (gulp). The only difference is, we didn't get to test drive Pebble. The breeder selected a puppy for us, based on our family profile and delivered her by Air Mail (delivery costs excluded). After adding on the on road costs, delivery price came to around $1900. Small price to pay, for a hypo-allergenic, non-shedding, non-smelling small bundle of fur!
As with all guarantees, it pays to check the fine detail. The guarantees in this case were limited to the genetic testing carried out.

Preparing for the arrival

While eagerly awaiting the arrival of our cute family addition, we wanted to make sure she would be comfortable on her arrival. Being a girl, she obviously needed lots of pink and purple items. Off to the local pet shop, and $500 lighter we are all geared up. Soft car carrier, small collar and matching lead. 2 pretty metal bowls for her food and water. A rather large crate (she will grow into it), along with a nice soft bed for her oversized crate. Some cuddly toys. Another soft bed for when she's not in her crate and a bag of her favorite food.
As with all babies - human or canine, they have a tendency to grow!

Puppy training

We're quite lucky to live in the catchment area of a well respected Canine School; they had places available for Pebble's Pre School education. A well placed sales person, having noticed a rather excited looking family pre-loaded with dog toys, treats and the works, figured out we would need to get Pebble signed up straight way, in time for her arrival next week. $125 for a 4 week intense induction to human etiquette seemed very reasonable.

Costs in the 1st month

Adoption Fee
Adoption fee, flights, 1st injections etc etc
Fitting out the nursery
Crate, bedding, collars, leads, toys, bowls, food
Puppy Pre School
Training for 1st time owners - sleeping, feeding etc

Ongoing maintenance costs

Now that all the upfront costs are paid, it's just a case of some routine maintenance and the last set of puppy vaccinations. Wait, what do you mean that crate's too big for a puppy? Why did she just pee on the carpet, did they not teach her anything at Pre School? What do you mean that walking harness is the wrong sort? Why have her poo's gone so bad? That small collar doesn't seem to fit her anymore! Come back - you're not supposed to go out of the yard yet for another 3 weeks! Why won't she come back when she's called? Best send her back to school!
Back to the pet store for some new supplies - smaller crate, some special spray for the carpet, a pen to keep her from wandering, a new collar. Wait, best change her food, this one she came with from the breeder seems to be upsetting her tummy. Off to the vets for her last set of Puppy vaccinations. Huh? She's already had a puppy pre-check why does she need another when registering? We must go down to the City Council and fill out her registration!

Costs in month 2

Carpet Spray
Pet Stain and Smell Remover x 2
Smaller crate
Needs a smaller bed too!
Puppy Manners
More obedience training
Play Pen
Need to stop her wandering the house
Vet Visit
Puppy vaccinations and Vet registration
City Council Registration
De-sexed 1 year fee
Collar and harness
School recommended harness and bigger collar
Dog food
Premium branded kibble - 13.6Kg bag

The importance of pet insurance

Pebble's free insurance is about to run out. Having owned an insured cat in the UK, I soon learned how valuable that cover was (poor thing had its tail slammed in a door, and was at death's door from being bitten by a rodent she was "playing" with). So, this was an easy decision to make. A quick phone call and we have a Gold Level policy in place, at a fraction of the cost we've spent on Pebble in her short time with us ($48 a month).
For the next 10 months, Pebble attended the Vets on an almost monthly basis. Her early spay by the breeder exasperated a problem with her inverted vulva. Antibiotics for puppy vaginitis, treatment for diarrhea, salmonella and giardia (the breeder had kept the puppies on a farm near livestock) - the vet bills just kept coming in. Thankfully, the claims were paid out by the insurer (minus the excess).
The vet bills for medical and surgical treatment for the first 12 months totalled $3500 (we received $2625 back from the insurance).

Dog grooming

Did I mention my dog is a Labradoodle? She has a non-shedding fleece coat. The penny just dropped - her coat doesn't shed, hence it needs cutting. A lot. I'm not a hair dresser, and I think Pebble would hide under the couch if I came at her with a hair of clippers! So we were sending her to the groomer, maybe every 8 weeks at a cost of between $75 - $110 depending on how big she looked that month! After her 5th visit in one year, I told the groomer to clip her short - for the Summer of course. How I regretted that!
Total grooming costs for her first year come in around $500.

Canine tonsillitis

Pebble became quite ill at around 12 months old. She was refusing to eat her kibble. Our friend, Google, recommended to starve her out; dogs get fussy and must conform! We changed her food (again) but she still refused to eat. She ate one meal of cheap dog roll then went on hunger strike again. Back to the vets, this time with a thorough examination of her mouth and throat. "Your dog has tonsillitis!" Do dog's even have tonsils? Apparently so. More antibiotics and "We recommend that you put your dog on raw food too". No improvement after 2 courses of treatment - time for a tonsillectomy. Very rare, and we were told vets typically only perform 1 procedure a year.

Kibble versus raw dog food

There are two brands of frozen ready prepared raw food for dogs available in New Zealand. Cost per kilogramme they are roughly the same, which works out to be around $10. A $140, 13.6Kg bag of kibble would last roughly 64 days (based on 210g food per day), at a daily cost of $2.18. Pebble needs 600g of raw food for her weight, which over 64 days equates to 38.4Kg frozen meat. At $10 a kilo, that works out at $6 day - almost 3x the cost.

Other accessory costs

We live in a town house, so Pebble doesn't have free access to a garden. She poo's on average twice a day (we know, as we have to take her!). So in her first year, we've spent around $80 on poo bags. After trying the cheap ones from the Dollar Store, we decided to pay a little more for the reassurance they wouldn't break or be too small to contain the contents!
Being a family dog, Pebble comes most places with us. We needed to make sure she travelled safely and securely in the car, so had to purchase a dog boot guard. Luckily we managed to buy a discounted one at $85.
Pebble also loves to retrieve tennis balls. I've lost count of the number of chewed and lost balls, and balls stolen by her pals at the park. She also likes to play tug - we've gone through several ropes that have turned threadbare and fluffy teddy's that have spilled their innards! I'd guess another $100 spent.

1st Year Total Cost

Month 1
Purchase and 1st month
Month 2
Total costs in month 2
5 13.6Kg bags
Pet Insurance
11 months insurance
Vet Fees
Total paid before refund
Sundry Items
Grooming, poo bags, etc
Insurance Rebate
Refund after excess

A word of caution

I had no preconceived ideas of how much it would cost to own a dog. There are many articles and blogs listing likely costs but few that break down a real life example.
Our designer dog has likely cost us slightly more than the $6423, as we had started to feed her raw food. She also gets the odd doggy treat (or two), and has been on a few more training courses, which I haven't accounted for. As you can see, if we hadn't had the foresight to take out a Pet Insurance Plan for her, the first year costs would be pushing closer to the $9000 mark.
So be warned! Make sure you do your sums before succumbing to the whims of your children or family to buy that cute adorable puppy.

Wednesday 27 April 2016


Houston!Whether you choose to call it acne, zits, pimples or spots, know that you're not alone. Over 80% of teenagers will experience an outbreak of pimples at some point, which means science and reason have worked overtime to devise ways to treat them as quickly as possible (the demand is certainly right up there).
Before we begin looking at how best to deal with them, a few must-know facts are in order. Below the surface of our skin, the sebaceous glands produce sebum in order to lubricate our skin and keep it moist. Sometimes they can become overactive and block the pores of our skin and cause -- you know it -- pimples. It is important to realize that while not every treatment may work, and outbreaks can re-occur and become persistent in certain individuals, they are neither dangerous nor contagious. Removing pimples fast, therefore, becomes a question of aesthetics (which is also undoubtedly important) rather than a health concern.

Types Of Pimples

Know thy enemy. There are various kinds of pimples, learn to tell them apart!
  • Whiteheads - Flesh colored and minute.
  • Blackheads - Often confused with dirt.
  • Cysts - Painful and contain pus.
  • Papules - Pink solid and round.
  • Nodules - Akin to papules but bigger.
  • Pustules - Visibly contain pus on top, red below

Our Plan Of Action

There are many ways to treat acne, from home remedy tricks to commercial products. We'll deal with them all briefly and work our way to long-term solutions to keep them off.

Home Remedies

  • Salt water method - Take a bucket or container and fill it with warm water. Once it's almost full you're going to add a copious amount of salt to it. When I say copious, I mean a lot. Keep going until it's really salty, then add a little more simply because you can't go wrong. Dip a cotton ball into the solution for a minute or so and then apply it gently to the pimple in question and hold it there for several minutes (patience is the key). When you remove it you may be surprised to find that it may have discolored somewhat, great! But we're not done yet. Now dip two more cotton balls and flatten the spot by pressing firmly from either side of it.
  • Garlic - Garlic contains natural antibiotic properties that can take care of zits. Rub a clove of garlic on the spot in question several times a day, avoid doing this on date-night for obvious reasons!
  • Cucumber - Covering the spot in question with grated cucumber for fifteen minutes can be used to treat and prevent pimples. Especially good at removing post-zit removal marks on the skin.
  • Lemon and orange peel paste - Break down lemon and orange peels and mix it with water, flour and honey to make a viscous paste which can be applied to any part of the body which houses pimples.

Commercial Remedies

This article isn't about advocating any commercial solution over another, I may mention one or two names in passing, but my focus will be on active ingredients rather than brand names.
  • Benzoyl peroxide - Is a substance which directly attacks the bacteria that causes the breakout (propionibacteria acnes).
  • Proactiv® - A very popular treatment that involves three distinct steps (you can read more about their pimple removal steps here).
  • Laser Treatment - If speed and severity are key, laser treatment can level the playing field after a week or so. I only really recommend this if it's a bad outbreak since it can be horribly expensive as well as mildly annoying.
  • Sulphur Based - Commercial products based on sulphur products try to catalyze removal of dead skin, thereby freeing the clogged up pores. Not a rapid solution, but a natural one.
  • Acupuncture - If taking medicine of any kind isn't really your thing, acupuncture has reported some success over the course of a handful of session.
  • Antibiotics - Some people may be prescibed oral antibiotics such as Tetracycline in order to combat acne. I have some personal reservations about this -- but they are personal.

Lifestyle Tips To Prevent Pimples

Correcting a number of lifestyle issues can largely prevent a reoccurrance of acne. Here are some general tips:
  1. Move towards balancing your diet.
  2. Develop a habit of not only cleaning the skin, but nourishing it.
  3. Fight stress.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Drink plenty of water.
  6. Reduce the amount of cosmetics and oily lotions you use. It can lead to a vicious cycle (I.E you'll need more and more cosmetics to clean up more and more pimples)!
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this article! I hope it was of use to you on your quest of acne annihilation. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please use the comment section below and I'll get back to you as swiftly as possible!


Are you addicted to online shopping? Is vintage or retro your style? Try these popular sites like ModCloth to find the perfect outfit.
ModCloth is a popular online store that focuses on retro, vintage, and indie styles. The biggest selling items come from the store's extensive dress section with accessories, shoes, decor and handbags coming close behind.
Adding to its popularity, ModCloth also offers competitive international shipping and plenty of regular sales and promotions. After watching my girlfriend browse the store for hours on end, I started looking at some alternatives that she would enjoy and after checking them out together I've collected our favourite eight here.
The sites and stores featured on this page offer a similar style of merchandise and will appeal to any ModCloth fan. Don't forget to leave us a comment about your favourite store or share a website that we missed.

1 - Alice and Olivia

Alice and Olivia is definitely one of the stand out online stores like ModCloth. The website offers similar clothing styles and collections but chooses to focus more on high fashion with a retro inspired flair.
If you find something you like on ModCloth, its often best to check Alice and Olivia to see if they have it because their prices are often a little bit lower.
With new interesting products constantly being released and a good mixture of sales and promotions it is easy to build a wardrobe with Alice and Olivia.

2 - Shoptiques

Shoptiques is a great option for fans of ModCloth especially with its flat $15 shipping fee, no matter how many items you purchase.
The store offers clothes from boutiques from around the world and features their unique items on their website. This allows you to buy clothes from popular Paris, London and US based boutiques without ever actually leaving your home all the while ensuring that your clothes are unique (no chance of running into someone wearing the same thing!).
The site mostly focuses on dresses and other clothing items but does incorporate accessories, bags and shoes into its product mix. Shoptiques easily lets you browse based on location, which means you can find a geographical style that suits you.

3 - Charlotte Russe

Charlotte Russe is another popular online fashion stores that combines some vintage items along with modern clothing and the latest fashions.
The combination of vintage and modern clothing is perfect for people who like a vintage style but also enjoy a more up-to-date look.
Sales are never scarce, as the sales page regularly has several pages of marked down items to browse through, and there are often regular shopping codes that take a extra few bucks off of the total price. Bargain hunters are definitely taken care of.
Charlotte Russe focuses mostly on dresses and other clothing items and also offers a small collection of accessories (mostly jewelry) and swimwear. Bonus: free shipping on orders over $65

4 - Betsey Johnson

Betsey Johnson is another popular websites like that features a similar style of pieces. If you're a regular on Modcloth you have likely already run into some of her products.
On Betsey Johnson you'll find affordable and stylish vintage-inspired pieces. While you'll mostly find clothing, shoes and accessories, you will also find a good amount of kids apparel and even jewelry to design that perfect look.
It's hard to resist what Betsey Johnson has to offer, especially since it has slightly cheaper versions of what you'll see on Modcloth.

5 - Forever 21

Forever 21 is an American clothing retailer that also has stores around the world. The store focuses on fashionable and trendy clothes for both women and men.
Forever 21 also has a commitment to affordable prices making it a great store to pick up a bargain. Regular sales are also a great feature, and with the ever expanding collection of thousands of products you can really save some serious money.
As a bonus, the store hosts a popular blog that discusses the latest developments in fashion trends and the industry which will help keep you up to date.

6 - Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters is a popular chain of retail stores in the United States and also has a great online store for fans of online shopping.
The store focuses on selling ironic and hip merchandise and so will mostly appeal to those that are more inclined toward hipster culture. Urban Outfitters targets a younger age group with products designed for buyers aged between 15 and 30.
The store has a great review system available on their website allowing you to easily make product decisions and with the flexible return policy you can easily get your money back for poor purchases.

7 - Asos

Asos is another great website that offers clothing for both men and women.
Asos is the largest UK retailer (online only) and specialises in both fashion and beauty products. While the collection is slightly more modern and mainstream than what ModCloth has to offer the websites usability, range and free shipping makes it one of the best alternatives.
For those in the UK, Asos is even better deal. British shoppers can apply for unlimited next day delivery for only £9.95. The store combines brand name products and its own clothing lines to create a great shopping experience for people aged between 18 and 35.

8 - Kate Spade

Kate Spade is a popular online store focusing on cute dresses, fashionable shoes, bags and even offers some homeware in its collection. If it's high fashion you are after with only some of the price tag then Kate Spade might be the quality shopping experience you've been searching for.
Kate Spade offers free shipping to US customers along with free returns so you know you can shop with your mind at ease. The range of clothing (especially dresses) is the real appeal to Kate Spade meaning you'll be able to find something no matter what your preferred style is